Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!! 

Houses and Homes

Dear Year 2 Parents,


Mrs Curtiss, Mrs Myers and I would like to thank everyone for the generous Christmas presents you gave us. It was very kind of you.


The theme for this term is ‘Houses and Homes’. With this in mind, if you or any other family member would like to come to school and speak about or demonstrate any profession, hobby or any other skill you may have, connected with the topics shown on the attached Term Planner, please let me know as soon as possible. Children learn, enjoy and respond very well to visits and visitors. When all the visits have been finalised a letter and consent form will be sent home.


During this term I am using the ‘Mantle of the Expert’ approach to teaching which involves using drama to create a context for the development of skills and the acquisition of knowledge. Through the experience of meeting ‘Mr. Brick’ who runs a building company the children will encounter many aspects of the Foundation Phase Framework and will also develop their literacy and numeracy skills across the curriculum.


P.E. lessons will continue to be on a Wednesday morning. Please ensure your child brings to school suitable shorts and T-shirt.


In preparation for the Eistedfodd this term I will be introducing the children to the fun of folk dancing! It will help the children gain social skills, develop their co-ordination and be a good form of aerobic exercise.


Recorder lessons will start again on Monday 9th January.


Finally, if you have any questions or problems about your child’s education and progress please do not hesitate to come and see me.

Many thanks you for your continued support.

Mrs. Morgan

Please click here to see this weeks letter. 9th January

Spring Term Parent Planner

Spring Term Curriculum Planner

Y2 Literacy Framework

Y2 Numeracy Framework