NURSERY – Weekly Letters


Dear Parent,

This week in maths, we are comparing objects by size and talking about tall and long objects. At home, you might find three similar objects e.g. spoons, of varying sizes. Arrange the spoons in order of length. Talk with your child about which is the longest, shortest and middle-sized object. Please remember, some children will find this easy and others will find it a little more difficult. They all develop at different rates.

Last Friday, Bethany’s dad came to school to talk to us about homes in Australia. The children listened really well and asked relevant questions. A BIG thank you to Bethany’s dad!

Last Wednesday, we walked along the prom as far as Verdi’s to look at Lola’s house, which is under construction, and Conor and Cory’s house. The children were amazing, as usual, with no-one grumbling about the walk. They had lots of positive comments about their behaviour from passers by. We are hoping to visit the woods on Thursday morning to gather resources for an activity on Friday. Non school uniform, just appropriate muddy conditions outdoor clothing needed.

Diolch yn fawr, Mrs. Penn and Mrs. Walton