Oystermouth Primary School 2016 – 2017

Nursery Information Sheet

Below you will find several pieces of information which we hope you will find useful.

* School starts at 8.50 a.m and ends at 11.30 a.m for the Morning Nursery children and for the Afternoon Nursery school starts at 12.55 pm and finishes at 3.15 pm. The children come straight into the nursery as, together, we hang coats and go to the toilet. Please make sure all coats are labelled.

* Our termly themes this year are: Autumn Term – Food and Farming, Spring Term – Homes and Houses, Summer Term – A Journey Through The Garden. A termly letter will be sent out giving you information about the topic and how you can help.

* All children wear uniform which must be labelled.

* The children have milk/water and apple and raisins each day for which we ask a contribution of £1 per week. This is paid on a termly basis.

* Thursday morning is gym day. The children do gym in their vests and pants.

* The children spend a large part of their day in our outdoor area. Please make sure they bring a coat to school as we go out in all weathers.

* Your child will receive a weekly maths letter telling you what topic we are covering that week. Also included, will be suggestions as to how you can help reinforce the topic at home with your child.

* Mari Mew is part of your child’s introduction to Welsh. The children take turns to look after her and take her home for a night. They then tell the rest of the class their adventures with Mari Mew at home.

* Children using the Wraparound facility need to bring a lunchbox to school. They are collected at 11.30 a.m from the Nursery and need to be picked up at 3.15 p.m.

* We have a Parents Rota if you wish to spend some time in the Nursery with the children. As this has proved quite popular, it might be just once or twice a term. If you would like to come in, please come and make a date in the diary.

* Box of tissues at the start of the school year please!!!! Tesco “Value”!

* Please don’t forget our P.T.A! If you can help in any way but are new to school and don’t know any P.T.A members, please ask Mrs. Walton or myself.